Human Concerns Commission

The Human Concerns Committee discerns the needs of persons in the parish and wider community, especially the poor, and identifies resources to meet those needs enlisting the active cooperation of parish members.  This mandated tradition acknowledging that every Christian is called to service and to work for justice includes Respect Life efforts.  In addition to educating parishioners on social justice issues, the committee’s scope of responsibility is two-fold:

 - To meet the immediate needs of the poor by way of direct service.

 - To work for changes in the structures of society that are oppressive.


Please view the sampling of our service and outreach opportunities for more information on these ministries.


There are so many other ways that Human Concerns wishes for you to be involved.

  • Creating a stronger bond with our sister parish Great Spirit
  • A Reminisce program and home/hospital visit programs
  • Food pantry help
  • Blood pressure screenings and a blood drive to name a few

Is this ministry close to your heart?  We would love your new ideas and creative ways to assist our parish members and community at large. As Christians, we are called to serve, and the Human concerns commission would love your assistance to help move these very important programs forward. Contact the Parish Office to get involved!


Meeting Minutes:


We invite you to view this beautiful and inspiring video from Catholic Relief Services: